Our Generation Rising Summit is a 4-day political action gathering for young BIPOC organizers, ages 18-26, committed to winning elections and securing the path to progress for our communities. Join us this summer to grow and deepen our grassroots organizing skills, build community connections, and build power across battleground swing states to win elections in 2024.
Who can apply?
Young BIPOC organizers, between the ages of 18-26, interested in deepening their grassroots organizing skills. All skill levels are welcome to apply. Space is limited and registrations will be accepted on a rolling basis.
When and where will the Summit take place?
The program will run from July 11th to July 14th, 2024. The Summit will take place in Oakland, CA. Information about specific locations will be sent to attendees closer to the Summit date.
Is there a cost to attend?
No. Our Generation Rising Summit is provided free of cost as an offering to our movement and an investment in the development of young BIPOC organizers across the country. Registration provides access to the summit, transportation, accommodations, and all meals/coffee breaks for the duration of the summit.
What’s next after registering?
After registering at the link below, a Generation Rising organizer will reach out to confirm your attendance and coordinate logistics!
Know someone who would love to attend this Summit? Share this link with a friend: Bit.ly/GRSummit2024
For any questions or inquiries, please contact: info@generationrisingup.